Have you ever wondered why 'other people' can study so effeciently? Well, it is highly
probable that they might have a study trick or two up their sleeves. But not all is hopeless
for you, because we're going to teach you some too! If you have problems studying, this website will teach you different study methods to help you out!
To navigate this site, click on the buttons above (which leads you to the different methods). You may also scroll down to find our new videos and more! Here, you'll learn many different study methods to help you out. Enjoy, and happy studying!
Here, we will teach you 3 different study methods - the Pomodoro method, Memorizing techniques, and the Feynman method. You can also find out more about these study methods on your own, or click on the button below to discover other useful study methods!
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The Pomodoro Method is a popular time-management method invented by Italian Francesco Cirillo. He wrote, "I discovered that you could learn how to improve your effectiveness and be better able to estimate how long a task will take to complete by recording how you utilizes your time."
The technique is popular, perhaps because it's portable and easy to learn. Using this method, you break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks. These intervals are referred to as pomodoros. After about four pomodoros, you take a longer break of about 15 to 20 minutes.
These are the steps to this technique:
1. Get a to-do list and a timer.
2. Set your timer for 25 minutes, and focus on a single task until the timer rings.
3. When your session ends, mark off one pomodoro and record what you completed.
4. After each Pomodoro, enjoy a five-minute break.
5. After four pomodoros, take a longer, more restorative 15-30 minute break.
Repeat the process until you finish your work.
;Click on the llama to visit the Pomodoro Timer website!
We hope these techniques help you! To find out more, visit the link in credits or watch the video in the videos section!
The Feynman method is a study method developed by nobel prize winner Richard Feynman. Feynman developed his own personal method for deeply learning and internalizing topics. Now known as the Feynman technique, it's a simple process, containing 5 easy and repeatable steps:
1. Study
The first step is easy. In fact, anyone who's reading an article about learning processes is probably already doing it.
All you have to do is choose a topic and start studying.
Naturally, this makes perfect sense for educational based study, but it can also work equally well for other skills such as sports. Simply write down all of the things you know about the skill on the piece of paper. Try and break it down into its core components and seek to understand it as a whole.
2. Teach
Once you've completely covered the topic, it's time for step 2. Youre going to teach it to someone else.
If you'd rather avoid actually teaching someone, you can just teach it to an imaginary audience. But the Feynman technique works much better if you use a real person. They'll be able to give feedback and let you know when something isn't clear. Ideally, the person you're teaching will ask questions and probe you, trying to find holes in your knowledge base. This might feel a little uncomfortable, but it's exactly what you need in order to proceed to step 3.
3. Fill the Gaps
As mentioned, step 2 will uncover some gaps in your knowledge .
Step 3 involves going back to studying, but with an intense focus on these gaps. The aim of step 3 is to remove these weaknesses and turn them into areas of strength.
Now, you can go back and study exactly what you need to know. Recover the rules and search for information regarding the effectiveness of the strategy.
4. Simplify
Ideally, you've already greatly improved your understanding of the target skill. However, you're not done. Now you need to simplify the content.
This step is extremely effective at building your cohesive understanding of a subject. To be able to cut away clutter and explain something so clearly that even young children with limited vocabulary can understand, is extremely difficult. Attempting to do this, forces you to not only deeply master the information/skill but to also grasp how all of the different elements join together.
5. You're done!
In this website, there are many resources to help you with studying, such as videos, memorizing techniques, etc. This website is best viewed on a tablet or computer.
We hope the content here helps you with studying! Website made by new media club group norway nukers, please don't plagiarize our content!!